We have recently been joined by Esra Guclu as PhD candidate. Welcome on board!
New paper got accepted in IROS 2022
At IROS 2022, A paper on “Constrastive 3D Shape Completion and Reconstruction for Agricultural Robots using RGB-D Frames” was accepted. Congratulations to F. Magistri, E. Marks, S, Nagulavancha, I. Vizzo, T. Läbe, J. Behley, M. Halstead, C. McCool and C. Stachniss
Two papers got accepted in IROS 2022
We had a paper accepted at IROS 2022 on “Towards Autonomous Visual Navigation in Arable Fields “ by A. Ahmadi and M. Halstead and C. McCool.
Also, at IROS 2022 another paper accepted “BonnBot-I: a precise weed management and crop monitoring platform” by A. Ahmadi and M. Halstead, and C. McCool. Congratulation to everyone involved!
Best paper Award by a new accepted paper in IROS-RAL 2022
Our paper on “Explicitly incorporating spatial information to recurrent networks for agriculture” by Claus Smitt, Michael Halstead, Alireza Ahmadi, and Chris McCool was recently accepted to Robotics and Automation Letters. Congratulations to everyone involved!
New memeber in our group!
We have recently been joined by Maohui Li as PhD candidate. Welcome on board!